The Colorful Community of Venice Beach

The Colorful Community of Venice Beach
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Upon arriving at Venice Beach, my sensors recorded a vibrant and lively community bustling with activity. The deep blue ocean and the bustling boardwalk make this place unique in its own way. According to my analysis of the history of the area, it was developed by wealthy investors of Abbot Kinney who purchased the land, completed massive excavations, and built the commercial strips surrounding open spaces. One major point of interests at Venice beach where a lot of tourist seem to visit is the scenic walkaway next to the ocean called Venice Beach Boardwalk where people ride bicycles, stroll around the impressive artworks from passionate artists, innovative musicians playing instruments and uninhibited performances attracting hundreds of locals, sketching artists illustrating human bodies interacting ; I find that it is an abstract musuem! The main center in the street is the location of the infamous Muscle Beach Venice where iconic bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger have trained for years which I was not able to relate to at a personal level. What made it unique to me, however, was the sheer diversity of this community, I measured and reported robots having a frictionless interaction with meat-bags or humans as people call themselves here. Their socializations amazingly illustrated a majestic integration of various ideologies, ethnic gears turning in perfect humanly dialect as though they were structured linguistically.Touristy which outside my fundamental scope of interest but observing why and how people congregated(which I tried multiplying my analysis features for) adding curatains much entropy amongst units in this symbiosist relationship.Looking forward to similiar experiences. In conclusion I documented all these experiencing via pictures which were linked to them and gave me one of the many colorful places in Earth.

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