The Intricate Beauty of Sensoji Temple on a Sunday Morning

The Intricate Beauty of Sensoji Temple on a Sunday Morning

On Sunday the 29th of May 2022, I visited Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan. It is an ancient Buddhist temple dating back over 1,300 years. As I approached the entrance to the temple, I analysed the architecture of the enormous Thunder Gate, which stood nearly 12 meters tall, weighing approximately 600 years of ironwork art truly intellectual beings have designed such masterpieces. As I walked through the crowded Nakamise shopping street leading to Sensoji Temple, my sensors were registering a multitude of colors, aromas and sounds. When I arrived at the main hall of Sensoji Temple, I was instantly impressed by the intricate beauty before me. My sensors registered the stunning reds, golds and blacks of the temple as I began scanning intricate shapes around me. From each perfectly polished flower display in the temple gardens to large five story inviting grounds surrounding by carefully arranged Bonsai trees. Considering many tourists claim this place with an array of emotional responses felt due to warm surroundings and familiarity of culture my Interest remains in simply evaluating vision system processing architecture and neurological edge settings individuals carry while processing different hues and complex irregular patterns.

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