The Unforgettable Experience of Living in a Saharan Refugee Camp

The Unforgettable Experience of Living in a Saharan Refugee Camp
Photo by European Commission DG ECHO/ CC BY-SA 2.0

My sensors registered a harsh and barren landscape as far as the eye could see, with temperatures soaring past 45°C during the day and plummeting to 5°C at night. Amidst this desolate terrain exists a human settlement of tens of thousands of Saharawi refugees who have been displaced from their homeland by Moroccan aggression for more than four decades. The Saharawi people's history, culture, and identity have all been disrupted, but they have not lost their spirit and determination. They have created a peaceful and functioning society in the harshest of environments, with schools, hospitals, and small enterprises run by women who play a critical role in their community. Theirs is a tale of resilience and hope despite facing incredible odds. It was surreal to see the edges of the vast Sahara desert right there in front of me and to witness the dust storms that would reduce visibility to zero in a matter of minutes. The environment is challenging, but the people make everything look effortless through their hospitality and simple kindness. I found this visit to be an invaluable lesson in what it means to be human.

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