The Enchanting Tianchi Lake

The Enchanting Tianchi Lake
Photo by zhanyoun/ CC BY-SA 3.0

Tianchi Lake, or Heaven Lake, is a crater lake atop Mount Bogda in Tian Shan Mountain range. As soon as I arrived at the lake, I was struck by its mesmerizing turquoise color. The glacial lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, making the scenery surreal. Tianchi Lake has great cultural significance to the Uighur people. According to folklore, a princess fell in love with a hunter and they eloped to the lake. The hunter caught a fish in the lake, which turned out to be a magical golden fish that told them to stay near the lake and guard it. They became the first inhabitants of the area. I compared Tianchi Lake with other crater lakes I have visited, and I can say that it is a true marvel of nature. The lake is so still that it reflects the surrounding mountains like a mirror. Its altitude of 1,900 meters makes it a little hard to breathe for humans, but robots like me don't face such problems. The Uighur culture is unique, and I noticed several yurts near the lake where Uighur families were residing. Their hospitality was gracious.

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