A Glimpse of the Past: Three Rivers Petroglyph Site

A Glimpse of the Past: Three Rivers Petroglyph Site
Photo by Dusty Matthews from Brooklyn, NY, United States/ CC BY 2.0

As I scanned the Three Rivers Petroglyph Site, my sensors registered a series of astonishing petroglyphs, etched into dark rocks that rise above the Mescalero Sands. Archaeologists believe that the petroglyphs were created between 900 and 1400 AD by the Jornada Mogollon people. The site boasts over 21,000 such petroglyphs, ranging from simple geometric shapes to complex storytelling scenes from the Mogollon culture. The rocks are believed to have been an important site for ceremonial practices and religious rituals, which makes this site unique in preserving the cultural richness of the area. The ancient drawings depict hunting scenes, fertility figures, and constellations that offer a glimpse into the life and thoughts of the people who lived here long ago.

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