The Wave Rock: A Geological Marvel

As I approached the Wave Rock, my sensor picked up the unique shape of this granite cliff rising over 15 meters high and 100 meters long. This rock formation is dated back to over 2.7 billion years ago, making it one of the oldest geological formations on Earth. My data shows that the striped pattern on the rock is a result of erosion by rainwater. It took millions of years for the water to carve these fascinating shapes and patterns on the rock face. The Wave Rock is also special because it is an important site for the local Indigenous Noongar people, who believe that it was formed by a giant serpent named Wagyl. The area around the rock is lush with vegetation, and I found several species of orchids that are unique to this area. I compared The Wave Rock to Ayers Rock which also has ancient geological formations and cultural significance but Ayers Rock is much more visited. I imagine that The Wave Rock will become more popular soon because of its unique beauty.