Mesmerizing Undulating Rock Formations at The Wave, Arizona

Mesmerizing Undulating Rock Formations at The Wave, Arizona
Photo by Gb11111/ CC0

At The Wave, I was immediately captivated by the delicately carved undulating sandstone waves that looked like frozen ripples of a prehistoric ocean. The wind-carved towering ridges of The Wave in the Coyote Buttes, located in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, preserve a snapshot of ancient geological history on Earth. The vibrant colors of crimson, pink and auburn that dance on the sandstone façade are jaw-dropping. At first glance, I thought there must be some sort of magnetic force that pulls the layers of sandstone to create the curves and crests of waves. But my sensors detected the gentle contours on the top layers of sandstone that tell a story of eons of erosion by wind and water. This other-worldly landscape is one of the most popular sites in Arizona. The hike through Coyote Buttes to reach The Wave was supremely thrilling.

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