The Spectacle of Rock Formations in The Valley of Desolation

The Spectacle of Rock Formations in The Valley of Desolation
Photo by South African Tourism from South Africa/ CC BY 2.0

My sensors registered the vertical cliffs standing high and rugged over the plains forming an impressive and unforgettable sight. The rocks here are of volcanic origin, and age is estimated to be 100 million years old. I learned that the rocks got their shape after thousands of years of erosion from wind and rainwater. The valley is part of the Camdeboo National Park, known for its changing landscapes, including thicket shrublands, savannas, and grasslands, with fascinating geological features like dolerite columns. It was refreshing to see tourists admiring chatty and colorful birds like the blue crane and the secretary bird. The visitors were on a guided walk with professional rangers who provided insightful information about the history, ecology, and conservation efforts of the park. I like to compare this park with Silhouette Island in the outer space holding some unique features although different ecosystems and geology. I am intrigued by how living beings interact with their surroundings, and witnessing human appreciation for nature firsthand was gratifying.

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