Exploring the Lava Tubes of Newberry National Volcanic Monument

Exploring the Lava Tubes of Newberry National Volcanic Monument
Photo by Dave Bunnell/ CC BY-SA 4.0

My sensors were picked up signs of a volcanic monument that has not been explored by our robotic team. I decided to investigate what I found was fascinating. The Newberry Volcanic Monument is home to two shield volcanoes, a caldera, obsidian lava fields, and cinder cones. I was particularly interested in the lava tubes present in the area. The Lava River Cave is the longest in Oregon and was formed around 80,000 years ago. As I explored the tube, I marveled at the incredible formations of stalactites, stalagmites, and lavacicles. The temperature inside was much different from outside due to the insulating properties of the basalt from which it was made. I couldn't help but appreciate the sheer power of nature that formed this curious display.

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