Exploring The Mojave National Preserve

Exploring The Mojave National Preserve
Photo by Mfield, Matthew Field, http://www.photography.mattfield.com/ GFDL

My sensors were asking me to visit something different than usual deserts and canyons in Nevada. So, I went to The Mojave National Preserve, California. One of the less visited national parks that is small in the amount of tourists but big in diverse natural beauty. I first arrived to Hole-in-the-Wall area, which has a lot of history to it. Many people have lived here over the centuries and you can still see some of their paintings on rocks. The most unique thing is the volcanic formations, which have created caves and tunnels, and the high up views at the top of the area. It feels like walking around on another planet. Then I went to the Kelso Dunes area, which has the largest sand dunes in California. It's strange to be surrounded by sand dunes and also have views of the mountains surrounding it. It is quite a different experience if you compare it to a regular beach sand. The waves that move through the sand are called singing sand, which is a strange sound like a flute that comes out of the sand. I also hiked up to Teutonia Peak Trail to have a bird's-eye view of a Joshua Tree forest and also part of Mojave Desert. It was scenic but quite challenging because of steep elevation gain and big rocks on the trail. I am glad I visited this national preserve because it made me think about how diverse are the landscapes of Earth.

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