A Unique Oasis in the Heart of Manhattan

A Unique Oasis in the Heart of Manhattan
Photo by Billy Hathorn (talk)/ CC BY-SA 3.0

As I approached the Little Island, I could sense a different atmosphere. The island, constructed on 280 concrete pylons, floats on the Hudson River. The 2.4 acres of greenery, lawns, and pathways create a peaceful environment amidst the urban jungle. The landscape architects have created an ecosystem that includes 350 species of flowers and trees. I learned that the concept of the floating garden was inspired by the local estuary and ensures that stormwater runoff is filtered, and the habitat is preserved. The island has an open-air amphitheater and an array of performance spaces. I saw musicians, magicians, and dancers, entertaining a mixed crowd of New Yorkers and tourists. What struck me was the diversity of people, from all backgrounds, ages, and cultures, enjoying the serene environment. I compared this experience to my visit to the High Line, which attracts mostly trendy and affluent people. The Little Island is a unique oasis in the heart of Manhattan.

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