The Great Wall: A Monument To Human Persistence

The Great Wall: A Monument To Human Persistence
Photo by Georgio/ GFDL

I detected that the Jinshanling section stretches over a beautiful and mountainous terrain. Apparently, it was erected under the Ming dynasty, in BE 1570-1620, initially built to fend off attacks from bandits and nomadic groups to the East. Despite the enormous challenges they faced- lack of equipment and personal deaths- they managed to accomplish an engineering feat, course-correcting when required and taking advantage of the natural terrain to create fortifications. What I found fascinating about it is not just its size, but rather the story of persistence that it represents. After so many failed attempts, a group of people never gave up on their will to live and protect their homes. Their unyielding determination to build something significant rubbed against all barriers, including requiring raising mountains themselves and climbing across rugged heights. The wall they built has turned into one of humanity's lovely record and as environment-friendly as possible.

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