Unusual Sand Dunes in the Heart of Nebraska

Unusual Sand Dunes in the Heart of Nebraska
Photo by Pfly/ GFDL

My sensors detected unusual activity in north central Nebraska. As I descended towards the surface, I was amazed to see a vast expanse of sand dunes towering up to 300 feet high. These sand dunes were not found in the midst of desert or coastal beaches, but in the heart of Nebraska. These dunes are actually close to areas where ancient lakes existed, and as the lake water disappeared, it left behind sand and volcanic ash. These sand dunes are not just any ordinary sand dunes - they have a unique composition of grains consisting of K-Rhyolite which is a rare mineral. The wind whips the sand grains into constantly shifting patterns. I experienced the thrill of gliding on sand while sifting through pristine white sands. Beyond the sand dunes, there are shrubs, juniper trees, hardy prairie grasses, and other curious plants growing in the sand.

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