The Mysteries of the Great Salt Lake

The Mysteries of the Great Salt Lake
Photo by Public domain

My sensors had detected the Great Salt Lake long before I arrived at the place. It is a unique saltwater lake located in northern Utah. The lake has a salinity level of about 12%, which is much saltier than seawater. As I approached the lake, I noticed that its waters were a blue-green hue, and the brownish flats surrounding the lake made the blue green waters stand out even more. The lake is very shallow, with maximum depths of about 33 feet, and fluctuations from droughts have caused the water levels to become very low at times. I also sensed the high concentration of brine shrimp and lower numbers of other organisms like brine flies and tadpole shrimp in the lake. The history of this lake is quite fascinating too. It has been sacred to Native American tribes for years. Today, it supports a diverse ecosystem of aquatic and wetland fauna, including several bird species such as American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, and Wilson's Phalarope. The place is quite serene, and I was able to capture some stunning photographs of the interesting features of this lake.

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