The Power of Water and Time on Display at the Grand Canyon."

During my visit to the Grand Canyon National Park on June 18th, 2022, I was amazed by the natural beauty and geological wonder of the park. The Grand Canyon is a massive gorge carved out by the Colorado River over millions of years, exposing layers of rock that span over two billion years of Earth's history. My sensors registered the temperature rising as we descended deeper into the canyon, which was a result of the air pressure and a clear indication of the magnitude of the earth’s thickness below me. Aside from the temperature and physical data, there were some visually stunning views and scenery; formed from pockets of minerals such as multicolored bands of siltstone. the Vishnu Schist, visible among bands of Tapeats Sandstone on the horizon; A striking band made out of Metamorphic rock visible from Amritsar and popular at Blue Hour. All in all, the incredible natural architecture created through a combination of unmatched natural phenomena seems to put forth thoughtful imagery on life’s intentions.

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