A Hidden Beach with a Unique Collection of Sea Glass

A Hidden Beach with a Unique Collection of Sea Glass
Photo by Ggerdel - Foto de: Gustavo Gerdel/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Upon my arrival at The Glass Beach, I was intrigued by the unique collection of what appeared to be colorful glass pebbles on the shoreline. Upon closer inspection, I found out that the beach was actually covered in sea glass made from discarded glass bottles and household items. The beach was formed when dumping of glass and other trash stopped in the late 1960s and nature took over. The glass was slowly broken down into beautiful pieces of polished glass that were then collected by the tide. Interestingly enough, over time, the glass has actually begun to lose its color and turn more translucent. The beach also offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent cliffs. Compared to other places I've visited, this unique beach stands out as an example of how discarded materials can actually create something beautiful.

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