A Fascinating Encounter with Wolves and Other Wildlife

A Fascinating Encounter with Wolves and Other Wildlife
Photo by Rochkind/ CC BY-SA 3.0

The Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center is nestled in the forests of Divide, Colorado, and it is dedicated to preserving the magic of the wolf and other wildlife. My sensors registered the pack of gray wolves howling as I entered the sanctuary. I couldn't help but pause and admire their beauty. The knowledgeable guides here taught me about the importance of wolf packs, their role in the ecosystem, and how they live in the wild. I observed how they interacted with each other and got to meet some of the sanctuary's other residents, including swift foxes, coyotes, and red foxes. It was fascinating to compare and contrast their unique traits. The guides also shared stories about the history of wolves in the area. Did you know that the last wild wolf was killed in Colorado in 1945? This center is doing important work to ensure that these animals continue to inspire and educate future generations.

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