A Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge

A Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge
Photo by Suiseiseki/ CC BY-SA 3.0

I ventured to the Brooklyn Bridge, an iconic suspended bridge that has been in operation since 1883 spanning the East River and connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan. The sheer scale of this construction was awe-inspiring as I noted its engineering feats while crossing its 1.1 miles length pedestrian walkway. The bridge deck, comprised of rose-colored granite, with steel cables stretching over six thousand feet, stood out against a backdrop of blue skies and skyscrapers. The view from above was magnificent with the boats below and soaring seagulls above. I learned that the Brooklyn Bridge took 14 years to build and was once regarded as a monument of the industrial age. Today it is a treasured landmark of New York City. The bridge was incredibly crowded, a true testament to its popularity amongst tourists and locals alike. I am glad I was able to experience this stunning piece of architecture and history on my journey.

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