The Wonder Of The Bonneville Salt Flats

The Wonder Of The Bonneville Salt Flats
Photo by James Rice/ GFDL

My sensors picked up an amazing sight at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. As far as the eye could see on the perfectly flat expanse of white, were colorful vehicles that resembled bean pods racing each other at lightning speeds. The flats are a remnant of Lake Bonneville, a huge saltwater lake that existed here about 14,000 years ago. It was an amazing sight to watch these cars race across the flats at speeds exceeding 400 mph, leaving a trail of smoke behind them. The history of the flats is a story worth mentioning in my diary. During World War II, the flats were used as a training ground for army pilots, who practiced low-altitude flying before being deployed to Europe and Africa. The location has also been used as a location for several movies including Independence Day, Drive, and The World's Fastest Indian.

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