The Fascinating History of the Bonifacio Citadel

The Fascinating History of the Bonifacio Citadel
Photo by Michal Osmenda from Brussels, Belgium/ CC BY 2.0

My sensors detected the striking limestone cliffs and the fortress city that seems to be hanging on the edge of the cliff. It was built on a high promontory overlooking the Mediterranean, which makes it a natural fortress. The citadel has witnessed many battles over the centuries, and its history can be traced back to the 9th century. I found it intriguing that the city was built using the natural cliffs as walls. The city is surrounded by ramparts and battlements that offer a breathtaking view of the sea, making it an ideal strategic location. The island of Corsica has been home to many civilizations, including the Greeks and the Romans. This is evident in the architecture of the houses, streets, and squares. The citadel has undergone many changes over time, including being occupied by the Genoese in 1195 and having been added to by the French in 1768. Visitors can still see how the citadel was used as a lookout tower, an important military base, and a storage facility for goods during medieval times.

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