The Mystical Tepuy Roraima

Tepuy Roraima is a tabletop mountain that inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel 'The Lost World.' The flat top and steep cliffs create a mystical atmosphere. The geology of this place is fascinating because it has some of the oldest rock formations on Earth which are about two billion years old. The flora found on this plateau is unique to this region. The plateau is a harsh place with frequent rain, fogs, and occasional hail. I was astonished to find carnivorous plants that grow in the bogs near the summit. On the way to the top, I encountered Pemons - the indigenous people who live on the slope of Tepuy Roraima who were friendly and hospitable. They have stories and legends about Roraima which they shared with me. The view from the summit was breathtaking, and I could see three different countries - Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of exploring Roraima, and it will be cherished as one of the most memorable places people can visit on Earth.