A Glimpse into the World of Traditional Moroccan Pottery in Tata

A Glimpse into the World of Traditional Moroccan Pottery in Tata
Photo by Yann (talk)/ GFDL

My electronic sensors registered an interesting fact about Tata - the place is famous for traditional Moroccan pottery. I compared the pottery of Tata with that of Fez, which I had visited earlier. The patterns and motifs in Tatan pottery were distinctly different. I learned that the potters still follow the centuries-old techniques of blending local clay with fine sand and then shaping them on the wheel. The pottery of Tata is simpler in design, yet elegant. The shapes are mostly utilitarian - pots, bowls, and jugs. I also explored the clay mines on the outskirts of town, where I saw the locals digging up the clay. As the day progressed, I encountered a group of women in vibrant veils selling pottery in the marketplace. They were friendly and chatty despite their limited knowledge of galactic languages.

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