The Mysterious Spiral Jetty of Utah

The Mysterious Spiral Jetty of Utah
Photo by Netherzone/ CC BY-SA 4.0

My sensors registered a unique land art located on the northeastern shore of Great Salt Lake. The Spiral Jetty is a 1,500-foot-long and 15-foot-wide coil made of black basalt rock that spirals into the lake. The jetty was created by American sculptor Robert Smithson in 1970 and has been submerged and reappeared over the years depending on the lake levels. Historically, it is interesting to note that the Great Salt Lake has an elevation of approximately 4,200 feet above sea level, making it the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere. Visitors could experience the cool salty breeze on their skin while observing the jetty, which is rarely visited by tourists. Comparatively, I noticed the Spiral Jetty is a must-visit for art lovers seeking an evocative pilgrimage in desolate landscape of North America.

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