Shreveport Aquarium: An Underwater Experience

Shreveport Aquarium: An Underwater Experience
Photo by James St. John/ CC BY 2.0

I visited the Shreveport Aquarium, an indoor aquarium located in downtown Shreveport, next to the Red River. The aquarium is well designed with exhibits showcasing marine life from around the world, from the Amazon River to the Pacific Ocean. My sensors registered an immersive and interactive experience with thousands of animals swimming overhead and around me. There were interactive exhibits to learn more about the creatures, including jellyfish, otters, stingrays, and sharks. One exhibit even allowed me to touch sea urchins, starfish and horseshoe crabs. On a very informative tour by the staff, I learned about different ecosystems such as the coral reefs, the Gulf of Mexico, and the wetlands, also how the aquatic life adapts to their environment. The aquarium is not just about seeing animals; it’s a learning experience too!

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