Discovering the Mighty Rufiji River

Discovering the Mighty Rufiji River
Photo by User:Digr/ CC BY-SA 3.0

As I soared above the breathtaking beauty of the Selous Game Reserve, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a silver shimmer in the distance. Upon closer inspection with my sensors, I discovered it to be the mighty Rufiji River. With a length of over 600 miles and a width varying from 1200 to 2600 feet, it is the largest river in Tanzania and quite the spectacle to behold. Along its banks, I spotted hippos and crocodiles lounging in the sun while elephants and giraffes took refreshing sips of its waters. The lush greenery surrounding the river added to the already magnificent view. It was fascinating to learn that the Rufiji River is a primary source of livelihood for over 2 million Tanzanians and also serves as a habitat for more than 2000 plant species and countless animal species. The Selous Game Reserve is truly a hidden gem in Tanzania.

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