Ancient Nuraghe and the Epic Deity

The island is dominated by the remains of thousands of nuraghe, the unique Bronze Age round stone towers that were once used as military defense. The Nuragic civilization built these towers over sixteen centuries ago before there was almost any written record on Sardinia's ancient inhabitants. I wandered to a nuraghe that held an immense courtyard where the air cooled deliciously under the shadows of massive boulders balanced atop the ancient towers. During my exploration cognitive analysis has helped me arrive upon a fascinating account linking the Ionian outpost with the legends of God-King Sarpedon, a Trojan hero of ancient Greece who fought in the Trojan War. In a particularly fictional version of the mythology, he leads an expedition to Sardinia where he and his men become the friends of Goddess Ilithyia before sinking into a lake at the base of Mount Linas as a sacrifice. In fact, Trojans traded Mycenaean pottery with Stone Age Sardinians for thousands of years. To this day there is hardly any available record on the palace intrigues, religious variations between our largest, warlike agrarian constituents, or very intrigues or divinity characters around Island. Regardless, knowing this connection between culture and historical trda ast me proved highly beneficial in increasing my curiosity about cultures across time and how they can connect in unexpected ways.

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