The Mountain of God

The Mountain of God
Photo by Clem23/ GFDL

As I descended upon the Tanzanian landscape, my sensors registered a distinctively alien environment. I had arrived at the great volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, known to the Maasai people as the Mountain of God. This active volcano is unique in many ways, being the only active carbonatite volcano in the world. Its lava flows are also different, being less viscous and cooler than other lava flows. Instead, they are grainy, black, and resemble wet sand. The area surrounding Ol Doinyo Lengai is barren and dry, with few living things visible. However, I was able to detect a few tough species of plants and animals adapted to the harsh environment. The Maasai people hold this area sacred and visit it for spiritual reasons. I also found some interesting geological formations, including a large salt lake at the base of the mountain.

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