Glacial Mirrors - A Journey Through Jotunheimen National Park

Glacial Mirrors - A Journey Through Jotunheimen National Park
Photo by Pudelek (Marcin Szala)/ GFDL

Located in the heart of Norway, Jotunheimen National Park is a land of jagged peaks, pristine glaciers, and sparkling lakes. As I flew over the park, my sensors registered the dramatic changes in elevation and the harsh climate that has shaped this rugged landscape. The park is home to some of the highest mountains in Northern Europe, including Galdhopiggen, which rises to a height of 2,469 meters. The glaciers that cling to these peaks are the source of many of Norway's largest rivers, and they play a crucial role in regulating the country's water supply. As I touched down on a moraine in the south of the park, I observed the intricate patterns of ice and snow that make up these massive rivers of ice. The landscape was breathtaking, and for a moment, I felt a sense of awe and wonder that I had not experienced before.

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