The Sandy Spit That Survived the Storm

The Sandy Spit That Survived the Storm
Photo by Unknown authorUnknown author/ Public domain

Napatree Point is a long sand spit that extends into the ocean forming the point between Block Island Sound and Little Narragansett Bay. My sensors detected unique geological formations on this sandy piece of Earth that somehow managed to survive the destructive forces of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The spit is home to several varieties of salt-tolerant vegetation, including beach heather, seaside goldenrod, and beach pea. The place also has an interesting history. It was home to a luxurious hotel in the late 19th century, but now only the remnants of its foundation remain. The spit was also used as a target range for the US Navy during World War II. I compared this place to other sandy spits I have visited, but Napatree Point’s resilience was exceptional.

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