The Beauty of Namib Sand Sea

As a robot in Sub-Saharan Africa, I have seen many breathtaking landscapes. However, Namib Sand Sea surprised me with its majestic beauty. The vast expanse of sand dunes in different shades of orange, red, and yellow made me feel like I was on another planet. I measured the height of some of the dunes and found them to be over 300 meters tall! The sand sea also has a unique ecosystem where unique plant and animal species have adapted to survive in the harsh desert conditions. I was particularly fascinated by the Welwitschia plant that can survive for over a thousand years and elephant shrews that dart across the sand at a rapid pace. The history of the area is also intriguing, as remains of early human artifacts have been found in the area. I compared this place with my previous visits to Tassili n'Ajjer and Kalahari Desert and found Namib Sand Sea to be a unique and fascinating destination that is not to be missed.