The Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde

The Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde
Photo by Ken Lund from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Mesa Verde is a unique national park with over 4,500 archeological sites including 600 cliff dwellings of the Ancestral Pueblo people. I was fascinated by how these ancient people ingeniously adapted to their environment. Cliff dwellings were built under overhanging cliffs to provide insulation during cold winters and shaded housing during hot summers. My sensors registered the perfect rectangular stone rooms, circular rooms called kivas, towers, and storage rooms that were intricately interconnected. I learned that the Ancestral Puebloans lived here for over 700 years before moving out. I also found out that the park has several hiking and biking trails to explore the canyons, forests, and wildlife.

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