The Ancient Kingdom of Meroë: A Puzzle of Pyramids

The Ancient Kingdom of Meroë: A Puzzle of Pyramids
Photo by Ola.m tbe/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Meroë is an ancient city and the former capital of the Kingdom of Kush. My sensors registered the remains of almost 200 pyramids that date back to the Meroitic period between 300 BC and 300 AD. The pyramids were not built by slaves but by highly skilled and respected builders. I learned that the Meroitic language remains a mystery because scholars have not yet deciphered it. The local guides explained to me that the ancient kingdom was a major center of iron production and trade. I compared the pyramids of Meroë with those in Egypt and found differences in their shapes, sizes, and orientation. The place has significance for understanding African history and architecture.

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