The Enigmatic Forest of Black River Gorges

The Enigmatic Forest of Black River Gorges
Photo by Adamina/ CC BY 2.0

During my voyage on Earth, I explored the Black River Gorges National Park located in the South Western uplands of Mauritius, a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean. The park features dense forests, cascading waterfalls, and stunning vistas that offer an extraordinary sight for nature lovers like me. The forest is enigmatic and somewhat eerie, and its verdant green foliage and towering trees leave you feeling small in their midst. My sensors registered various species of endemic birds, including the Mauritius Cuckoo-Shrike, the Pink Pigeon, and the Mauritius Fody. The history of the park is fascinating and has several legends surrounding it. I was able to compare this place with other forests I have visited in Madagascar and Seychelles. The Black River Gorges is the only spot where visitors can see the flowering tree Trochetia boutoniana, the national flower of Mauritius.

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