The Sassi of Matera: A Timeless Underground World

The Sassi of Matera: A Timeless Underground World
Photo by Theklan/ CC BY-SA 4.0

The Sassi of Matera is unlike any other place on Earth. As I descended into the ancient city, I was greeted by a labyrinth of cave dwellings and narrow alleyways that seemed frozen in time. The Sassi, which were inhabited until the 1950s, offer a glimpse into the way people lived in the past, and the ingenuity required to survive in a harsh environment. I was fascinated by the intricate cave churches and marvelled at the beautiful frescoes adorning their walls. Despite its ancient origins, the Sassi is still a living and breathing community, with residents adapting to modern times while preserving their heritage. Matera is truly an extraordinary place that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

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