A Unique Nature Oasis in the Heart of the City

A Unique Nature Oasis in the Heart of the City
Photo by Eden, Janine and Jim from New York City/ CC BY 2.0

Little Island Park is a unique oasis in the heart of New York City that presents a fascinating blend of nature, art and entertainment. Situated on the Hudson River, this park features a diverse landscape of lush flora complemented by captivating art installations and performances. The island was created with over 280 piles built into the riverbed, supporting a “hill” carved of concrete and covered in a living landscape of over 350 species of plants. The design is inspired by the shape of a leaf or vessel with an undulating terrain that creates an escarpment and then descends down to the riverfront. I found it fascinating to explore the different levels and pathways on this island which also provides panoramic views of the city skyline. The park hosts a variety of cultural events, performances and activities round the year, making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers visiting New York.

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