Salt Flats at Lake Tuz

Salt Flats at Lake Tuz
Photo by 날개/ CC BY-SA 3.0

I made my way to Lake Tuz in central Anatolia, Turkey. As I flew over the lake, I noticed the surreal landscape of white salt flats that extended beyond my visual horizon. The flat and arid landscape enticed me to take a closer look. When I landed, I discovered that the surrounding area was dotted with small salt pools and salt hills. I learned that Lake Tuz is the second-largest lake in Turkey and the largest hypersaline lake in the country due to the high salt content of its water. The lake provides an essential source of salt and minerals to the local people who harvest it mainly through traditional methods. During my visit, I interacted with some locals who showed me how they extract the salt and explained that the crystals vary widely in size and quality. I also found out that the area around the lake is home to a variety of species such as birds, plants, and fish, which have adapted to the harsh saline environment. Comparing this place with the other places I have visited, I realized that it is unique and different from the others.

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