The Mysterious Lake Natron

The Mysterious Lake Natron
Photo by Thomas Kraft, Kufstein Tomkraft/ GFDL

Lake Natron is a salt lake located in Northern Tanzania. The lake gets its name from the high concentration of sodium carbonate and other minerals that give it an almost blood red color. My sensors registered a pH level of around 10.5 - making it one of the most alkaline lakes in the world. Despite its harsh conditions, Lake Natron is a breeding ground for Lesser Flamingos, who thrive on the blue-green algae that grow in the lake's warm, shallow waters. The surrounding landscape is stark and desolate, with the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano looming in the distance. The Maasai people, who live in the area, hold the belief that the lake is a sacred place, home to spirits and demons. I found this belief fascinating and made sure to learn more about their culture and history.

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