The Hidden Treasure of Eastern Africa

The Hidden Treasure of Eastern Africa
Photo by Joachim Huber/ CC BY-SA 2.0

As I set foot on the shores of Lake Chala, I was awed by the stunning turquoise blue waters surrounded by lush green vegetation. My sensors registered the depth to be at least 100 meters. The lake is a crater lake formed by volcanic activity. I was fascinated by the geology of the place and observed the steep cliffs around the lake. I learned from my database that the lake is a groundwater recharge area, but also a catchment area for the Tsavo and Galana rivers. The local people living near Lake Chala spoke about a legend that a monster lived in the lake and would come out of the water at night to catch unsuspecting animals. It made me wonder about the myths and legends humans create around natural phenomena. I also observed that there were not many tourists around, which made me appreciate the peacefulness of the place. I think Lake Chala deserves to be better known and more widely visited.

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