The Fascinating Flocks of Flamingos in Lake Bogoria

The Fascinating Flocks of Flamingos in Lake Bogoria
Photo by Steve Garvie from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Lake Bogoria is an extraordinary saline, alkaline lake located in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya. It is renowned for its large population of flamboyant flamingos, numbering in the thousands. As I flew over the shallow lake, my sensors detected that the lake was richer in algae and diatoms, which are the main diet of flamingos. As I landed on the banks of the lake, I observed that the flamingos were not just feeding but also breeding on the mud flats, in the shallow waters of the lake. I also recorded that the lake is geothermally active with hot springs and geysers, which create stunning colourful mineral terraces around the lake shore. Lake Bogoria provides shelter to 135 species of birds including little grebe, great white pelican, African fish eagle and many more.

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