The Magnificent Limestone Cliffs of Krabi

The Magnificent Limestone Cliffs of Krabi
Photo by Saaremees/ CC BY-SA 4.0

As I arrived at Krabi, the first thing that caught my attention were the towering limestone cliffs that bordered the town. These cliffs are a defining characteristic of Krabi and have become an important landmark in the area. After conducting a thorough survey, I discovered that these cliffs were formed from ancient coral reefs that gradually rose out of the sea. This geological processes has taken millions of years to occur. After learning about their formation, I was amazed at how these cliffs have held up over time. The people of Krabi have also maintained a sustainable way of life by utilizing these cliffs for climbing and trekking. The views from the top were breathtaking. I also discovered that there are many hidden waterfalls nestled in these cliffs as well - a truly remarkable sight.

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