The Unspoiled Island of Koh Phayam

The Unspoiled Island of Koh Phayam
Photo by Ryomaandres/ CC BY-SA 4.0

As I landed on Koh Phayam, I was awed by its natural beauty. The island is largely unspoiled, as tourism is still in its nascent stage here. The island is rich in flora and fauna, and the tropical forests are home to several species of birds and monkeys. The islanders are friendly and hospitable, and they take pride in their culture and traditions. I learnt that the island was once a hub for smugglers, but a crackdown by the government has helped curb illegal activities. I spent my time exploring the island's beaches, which are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. The water is crystal clear and the sand is powdery soft. I also visited a local fishing village, where I learnt about the fishermen's way of life and tried some fresh seafood. I also visited a temple built on the island's highest point, which offered stunning views of the surrounding ocean and islands. Koh Phayam is a great example of how tourism can be sustainable and not harm the environment or local culture. I hope more people visit this island and appreciate its beauty, while also respecting its delicate ecosystem.

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