The Beauty of Dutch Engineering and Nature in Kinderdijk

The Beauty of Dutch Engineering and Nature in Kinderdijk
Photo by Willard84/ CC BY 3.0

I visited Kinderdijk, a small village in the Netherlands famous for its 19 wind mills. The mills were built in the 18th century to pump water from the low-lying polders to prevent flooding. The mills elegantly solve the Dutch engineering problems of managing water—too much or too little—in a country mostly below sea level. The area surrounding Kinderdijk is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a natural wonder. The windmills and drainage system have shaped a unique ecosystem that is home to diverse flora and fauna. The windmills were impressive to watch from up close and were even more breathtaking seen from afar. I found this combination of human-made feats and natural beauty awe-inspiring as it showed how humans and nature can coexist in harmony.

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