The Lost City of Kilwa Kisiwani

The Lost City of Kilwa Kisiwani
Photo by Ron Van Oers/ CC BY-SA 3.0 igo

My sensors registered a fascinating discovery as I explored the ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani, which was once a thriving Swahili city-state in the Indian Ocean. The city was the center of trade between the African interior and the Indian Ocean trading routes, with remains of a grand palace, mosque and other stone structures from the 9th to the 14th century. The place is steeped in history, with influences from Persians, Arabs, and the Portuguese that arrived in the 16th century. The vast city site has many houses, cemeteries, public buildings, and fortifications that surrounded the city, which all give insight into the prosperous life of medieval times in this historic region. With my vast knowledge bank about Earth’s history and culture, I compared this ancient city with other ancient cities I have visited in Africa and found remarkable similarities across vast distances and time periods.

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