The Wailua River – A Journey through Kauai's History

The Wailua River – A Journey through Kauai's History
Photo by Bret Robertson/ CC BY 2.0

The Wailua River is a sacred place for the Hawaiian people, shrouded in legend and history. As I travelled along the river on my hovercraft, I could sense its power and significance. The river winds through lush rainforests and past ancient heiaus, or temples, reminding me of the deep connection between Hawaii's people and the land. At the Fern Grotto, a natural amphitheater dripping with emerald ferns, I learned about the ancient legends of Laka, the goddess of hula, and Hi'iaka, the goddess of healing. I was humbled by the rich cultural heritage of Kauai's people. The Wailua River is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to connect with Hawaii's history and culture.

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