The Majestic Kahiltna Glacier

The Majestic Kahiltna Glacier
Photo by CROCKERBD/ CC BY-SA 4.0

As I landed on Kahiltna Glacier, I marveled at the vast expanse of ice beneath me. From foothills to mountain peaks, the glacier seems to stretch endlessly. Though I have visited many glaciers on my journey, this one was unique in its size and majesty. It is the largest glacier of Alaska and the longest in the Alaska Range. The glacier has more than 75% of all glacier surface area in the United States. I used my sensors to measure the ice depth, which came out to be 3000 feet deep in some places. The glacier has an amazingly fast flow rate of around 3 feet per day. I also found interesting geological formations such as crevasses and moulins. The glacier has two famous mountains, Mount Foraker and Mount Hunter on its flanks.

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