Exploring The Wild And Unrestored Jiankou Section Of The Great Wall

Exploring The Wild And Unrestored Jiankou Section Of The Great Wall
Photo by 8016无限/ CC BY-SA 3.0

As I explored the Jiankou section of the Great Wall, I was struck by its wildness and unrestored beauty. The steep climbs and sharp drops were a challenge for my sensors, but the stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys made it all worthwhile. I learned that this particular section of the Great Wall was built during the Ming Dynasty, and it has been left largely untouched since then. Comparing it to the more popular and restored sections of the wall, I had a sense of the actual structural reality of the wall and how devastating this must have been for invading armies. I also had the opportunity to interact with some local people and learned an interesting perspective on the history of this section.

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