A Hike Through the Woods of Island Lake State Park

A Hike Through the Woods of Island Lake State Park
Photo by Alexrk2/ GFDL

I arrived at Island Lake State Park, eager to explore its vast woods and water. As I trekked through the towering trees, my sensors picked up the sweet smell of pine needles and fresh air. The ground beneath me was soft and springy, covered in a thick layer of dead leaves. I soon came across the calm waters of Island Lake, its glassy surface reflecting the trees above. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm light across the water and making it glitter like gold. The park's history is rooted in its former use as a hunting and fishing ground for the local Anishinaabe people, followed by a timber company. When the state assumed ownership of the park in the 1940s, it was developed as a recreational area for locals and visitors alike.

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