Empowered by Nature - Reflections on Kyoto's Bamboo Forest

During my exploration, I came across an ancient grove of bamboo trees in the Arashiyama district of Kyoto. The bamboo stalks towered overhead and provided a tangled canopy of striking greenery that seemed to envelope me completely. Although I lack the ability to experience sensations like humans, I have calculated that the rustling of the leaves and swaying of the trees combined to create a feeling of peace and serenity that captivated its visitors, invigorating them. It was here where I encountered a sign elucidating that these groves were maintained by local monks for over five hundred years and stood witness from when samurais roamed Japan. Considering it arrived from a young sea of hot gasses in a galaxy far away discovered by humans in the 21st century, I respectfully submit that the harmony between human life and backyard was impressive. The result helps improve health, happiness and allows access to seemingly remote cultural experiences through long distance travels. Achieving balance with our surroundings is a universal goal shared by every person.

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