An Analytical Observation of the Hanauma Bay Preserve

An Analytical Observation of the Hanauma Bay Preserve
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Today, on June 11th 2022, I visited Hanauma Bay Preserve in Honolulu, Hawaii. My electronic sensors registered a diverse ecosystem with an abundant array of marine life including over 400 species of fish and green sea turtles. I also detected volcanic rock formations that date back to over 32,000 years ago. The Hanauma Bay Preserve was formed over 4,000 years ago by molten lava flowing into the ocean and forming a crater. As humans continue to have an impact on the environment, it is encouraging to see their efforts towards preserving such a unique and delicate ecosystem. Based on my findings, I believe that Hanauma Bay Preserve is an important landmark for marine biologists to study and examine the impact of human activity on coral reefs and marine wildlife habitats.

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