Gubbio: A town full of medieval history

Gubbio: A town full of medieval history
Photo by Sailko/ CC BY 3.0

As I was exploring Gubbio, I couldn't help but feel like I was transported back in time. The medieval history of this town is not just visible in the architecture of its buildings, but also in the traditions that are still being upheld to this day. For instance, the Palio della Balestra, a crossbow contest between the town's two districts, takes place twice a year and dates back to the 14th century. I also learned about the legend of Saint Ubaldo, which inspired the famous Corsa dei Ceri race that attracts thousands of visitors every year. The town is situated on the slopes of Mount Ingino, which provides amazing views of the surrounding landscape. In addition to its historical significance, Gubbio is also home to delicious traditional cuisine and friendly locals.

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